[ROOT] proper construction of TF1 objects.

From: Isard_Dunietz (dunietz@fnal.gov)
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 06:19:08 MET

I am confused about TF1 fncts.  I want to plot out the fnct:
f(x) = 0.7 * 0.4 * sin( 1.0 + 0.01 - par * x )
For par = 29.6, I  expect about 100 oscillations of the sin fnct when 
x ranges over 0 < x < 20.

However when I code it via

   gROOT -> Reset();

   TF1 avgFnct(
      "avgFnctName","0.7 * 0.4 * sin( 1.01 - [0] * x )", 0.0, 20.0

   avgFnct.SetParameter(0, 29.6);

I get only about 6 oscillations.
I am using version v2_24_04bKCC_3_3 of root.

What silly mistake am I overlooking?

        Thank you, Isi Dunietz

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