Hello, I am stuck with a problem trying to fill a tree containing TClonesArrays, and reading it again. This is how I write the file: #include "TROOT.h" #include <TFile.h> #include <TTree.h> #include <TClonesArray.h> #include <TMCParticle.h> main(){ char buf[65535]; TROOT api("Test","Test"); TFile *F = new TFile("pythia5.root","RECREATE"); TTree *tree = new TTree("t","t"); TClonesArray * particles = new TClonesArray("TMCParticle",10000,kFALSE); TClonesArray &p = *particles; tree->Branch("particles",&particles,32000,0); while (fgets(buf,65534,stdin) != NULL){ // unimportant long double P1[4],P2[4],P3[4],P4[4]; sscanf(buf,"%*llE %*llE %*llE %*llE %llE %llE %llE %llE %*llE %llE %llE %llE %llE %*llE %llE %llE %llE %llE %*llE %llE %llE %llE %llE", &P1[0],&P1[1],&P1[2],&P1[3], &P2[0],&P2[1],&P2[2],&P2[3], &P3[0],&P3[1],&P3[2],&P3[3], &P4[0],&P4[1],&P4[2],&P4[3]); new(p[0]) TMCParticle(1,13,0,0,0, P1[0],P1[1],P1[2],P1[3], 0.105658,0,0,0,0,0); new(p[1]) TMCParticle(1,-13,0,0,0, P2[0],P2[1],P2[2],P2[3], 0.105658,0,0,0,0,0); new(p[2]) TMCParticle(1,13,0,0,0, P3[0],P3[1],P3[2],P3[3], 0.105658,0,0,0,0,0); new(p[3]) TMCParticle(1,-13,0,0,0, P4[0],P4[1],P4[2],P4[3], 0.105658,0,0,0,0,0); // end unimportant tree->Fill(); } tree->Print(); F->Write(); F->Close(); } After this has run I can browse the file and everything looks and feels OK. Then the tree is read by a code like the following: #include "TROOT.h" #include <TFile.h> #include <TTree.h> #include <TClonesArray.h> #include <TMCParticle.h> main(){ TROOT api("Test","Test"); TClonesArray *m_Fruits = new TClonesArray("TMCParticle",10000, kFALSE); TFile * m_File = new TFile("pythia5.root"); TTree* m_Tree; m_Tree = (TTree*)m_File->Get("t"); m_Tree->SetBranchAddress("particles",m_Fruits); for (int i=0;i<100;i++){ m_Tree->GetEvent(i); printf("%i\n",m_Fruits->GetEntriesFast()); } } The Problem is, that m_Fruits->GetEntriesFast() always returns 0 even though there is data in the file. The Code that reads the file is the one that is most likely to be allright (it is part of atlfast++) and shouldn't be changed. I have to change my code so that it fits, and produces Files, that can be read by atlfast++. If You have any Idea what I have done wrong I would be thankful if you let me know (I have tried a lot and have no more Ideas...) Greetings Claus Peter Buszello
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