Re: [ROOT] matrix inversion class; comments please

From: Valeri Fine (Faine) (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 16:26:45 MET

> When implementing TPrincipal this summer, I really REALLY missed some
> classes in ROOT, that basically dealt with matrix inversion, so I
> welcome you effort. 
> However, what I missed the most, was to have classes like 
>     TUpperTriangleMatrixD 
>     TLowerTriangleMatrixD
>     TSymmetricMatrixD  
>     TTriDiagnonalMatrixD
> Since these kinds of (real) matrixes are easily inverted, using
> standard algorithms, these could have specialised inversion
> methods/CTORs/etc. 
   This classes can be done easily since the major algorithms
   had been implemented with TCL class 
   and TESTED.

> And one can easily find eigenvalues and -vectors of tridiagonal
> matrix, so this could also be a specilised method (See
> TPrincipal). And ofcourse, a symmetric matrix can be turned into a
> tridiagonal one, using standard algorithms. 
> In otherwords, I think making these classes would be more then useful,
> and one could have a utility class - like TInverse - but being a
> friend of T<foo>MatrixD classes, so that it may access the data
> directly. 
> Please note, that it's not posssible to have the above propossed
> classes inherit from TMatrixD, due to variuos return values, etc. One
> could have a matrix base class TBaseMatrixD, or what ever. ClHEP has a
> very extensive set of matrix classes, which are fairly well
> organised. 
> Anyway, that's my two centimes worth. 
> Yours, 
> Christian  -----------------------------------------------------------
> Holm Christensen                             Phone:  (+45) 35 35 96 91 
>   Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th.                  Office: (+45) 353  25 305 
>   DK-2200 Copenhagen N                       Web:    
>   Denmark                                    Email:

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