Re: [ROOT] Problems compiling ROOT 2.25.03 on Debian

From: Jiri Masik (
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 00:00:03 MET

Mike Beddo <> writes:

> Dear RootTalk,
> I'm trying to compile latest ROOT on my new thinkpad laptop which is
> running Debian 2.4 kernal (I think). The make stops when compiling
> cint/src/macro.c, lines 520 and 898 ("invalid operands to binary ==").
> Apparently, the typedef "fpos_t" is nonscalar (i.e., it is a structure)
> in debian release. I compared to a redhat release, in which "fpos_t" is
> a scalar (long). The configure script apparently doesn't check for this.

As it is now the build system is rather based on a knowledge base about

> I should point out that I recently got this laptop, and I'm not married
> to Debian so I'm willing to switch to RedHat. I've noticed similar
> problems building non-ROOT software as well, and haven't yet been
> successful installing StarOffice either.
> I'm not sure what to do now. I DON'T WANT TO START A "My OS is better
> than your OS" series of discussions, but I'm wondering how many other
> Debian "features" I'll find if I work around this problem and go on to
> try and finish building ROOT. Any experience out there building ROOT on
> Debian?
> - Mike Beddo

Define G__NONSCALARFPOS2 or whatever symbol in macro.c fits your libc
in cint/inc/G__ci.h

The following is what Fons did in 2.26 to match libc version in Redhat7

/* added by Fons Radamakers in 2000 Oct 2 */
#if defined(__linux)
#   include <features.h>
#   if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 2
#      define G__NONSCALARFPOS2
#   endif


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