[ROOT] TEventList when selection includes arrays

From: Jorg Stelzer (stelzer@SLAC.stanford.edu)
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 20:52:39 MET


  I'm using TEventList the following way

	> chain->Draw( ">>eList", "nTrks>=3", "goff");
	> list = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("eList");

  and it works as expected:

	> eList->Print()
	> EventList:eList/nTrks>=3, number of entries =3772, size=3800

  However, using a variable, which represents an array it does not work

	> chain->Draw(">>eList","photEcm>0.15");       
	> eList->Print()                                
	> EventList:eList/photEcm>0.15, number of entries =0, size=1000

  where photEcm is array of type float 
	Float_t photEcm[30];

  Has anyone experience with a similar case?

Joerg Stelzer                      Stanford University, Physics Department
office: +1 650 926 2468  priv: +1 650 497 1536        stelzer@stanford.edu

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