[ROOT] Overloading TGraph::PaintGraph()

From: FOKIN@tsl.uu.se
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 14:56:56 MET

Hi rooters,
I am trying to inherit a class from TGraphAsymmErrors and then overload
TGraph::PaintGraph() to paint points in different colors. Although all
members are public/protected, there are things like

const Int_t NPMAX = 2052;

static Double_t xwork[NPMAX];
static Double_t ywork[NPMAX];
static Double_t xworkl[NPMAX];
static Double_t yworkl[NPMAX];

in TGraph.cxx used in TGraph::PaintGraph(). If I redefine
them in my cxx file, it doesn't work well, namely it shows
an empty graph.

Rene, could you make this work variable static members of

Best regards,

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