RE:Re: RE:Re: [ROOT] RE:2.25.03: STL vector

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 11:42:27 MET

Hello Matt,

Those files look fine. I am still unable to identify the problem.
To get more information, will you try following and give me information?

After loading "TKey.h", <vector> and <iostream> , try following
commands and send me 'tmp' file. 

     root[0] .file > tmp
     root[1] .g    >> tmp
     root[2[ .class >> tmp
     root[3] .class vector<const int*>   >> tmp
     root[4] .class vector<const TKey*>  >> tmp

Thank you
Masaharu Goto

>Hi Masaharu,
>Thank you for helping me track down this problem.
>All of the headers that you told me to look at all appear fine.  I looked at
>$ROOOTSYS/cint/stl/vector, $ROOOTSYS/cint/stl/_vector and
>$ROOOTSYS/cint/stl/_vector.h.  I have also verified that __MAKECINT__ is not
>defined when I experience the problem.
>For completeness, I have attached the three headers that I mentioned above
>so that you can verify that these are indeed the correct headers for ROOT
>2.25.03.  I have also attached the small script called root_vector_bug.C
>which demonstrates the error.
>Regards, Matt

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