Re: [ROOT] VC++ project files for ROOT and a rootcint add-in

From: Nick van Eijndhoven (
Date: Sun Nov 12 2000 - 16:44:57 MET

Hi Matt,
I myself am not doing development for ROOT itself, but I create all my
libs and dll's of my private programs on a win98 system.
I do this by means of simple .bat script files, since I am not aware of
some sort of make facility on win98 and furthermore I don't like makefiles
at all since to my opinion this is just a complicated way of doing something
Attached you find one of my .bat scripts to create .lib and .dll files.
To my opinion it should be not so much work to create also such a .bat file
to build ROOT itself. Whenever someone has successfully made such a .bat script
file I think it would be a good thing to make such a ROOT installation job
generally available.


Dr. Nick van Eijndhoven
Org.:    Utrecht University/Nikhef, Department of Subatomic Physics
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Offices: Buys Ballot lab. 710 (Utrecht)   H350 (Nikhef)   B23 1-020 (CERN)

"Matthew D. Langston" wrote:
> I am looking for VC++ 6.0 workspace and project description files for ROOT
> 2.25.03.  Has anyone created these?  These VC++ 6.0 workspace and project
> description files would only be useful for people who are doing ROOT
> development.  However, on a related note, has anyone created a set of VC++
> workspace and project description files for creating ROOT programs and
> libraries?  This would basically be the equivalent of `root-config --cflags`
> and `root-config --libs` for UNIX development of ROOT programs and
> libraries.  Finally, a VC++ "add-in" that automatically calls rootcint to
> generate the CINT dictionaries would be nice.
> I realize that probably none of these utilities have been written for VC++
> ROOT development, but I wanted to solicit feedback from Windows ROOT
> developers anyway.  Hopefully they exist, but if not then perhaps some of us
> could collaborate and contribute them to the ROOT project.  What follows is
> some thought about possible solutions:
> It would make sense to want ROOT's project description files for VC++ to
> automatically be kept in sync with the UNIX project description files (i.e.
> the *.mk files and the associated UNIX+make build procedure).  This sounds
> like a lot of work.  One idea would be to describe the ROOT build procedure
> in an XML file so that project description files could be automatically
> generated for any build system (i.e. ROOT's current UNIX+make build system,
> the VC++ build system, the KDevelop build system, an Automake build system,
> and any other build system that might come down the pipe which users may
> need).
> I don't know of any XML schema for describing software build systems, but I
> haven't looked that hard either.  Does anyone else?  If such a schema
> existed, then maybe it would make sense to use it to describe the ROOT
> project database and build system.  We could then trivially add support for
> multiple build systems by writing simple XSLT templates for each build
> system.
> I would be willing to contribute XSLT templates for VC++ workspace and
> project description files, and to assist in XSLT templates for UNIX+make
> files, if there were interest in creating an XML schema (or using an
> existing one) which describes ROOT's build architecture.  However, it
> wouldn't be worth the effort unless there was enough interest to warrant
> such a change to be officially adopted, since otherwise the ROOT XML file(s)
> would have to be manually updated by hand whenever the ROOT source tree
> changed, etc.
> Does anyone else have some thoughts about this?
> Regards, Matt
> --
> Matthew D. Langston
> SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
> langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU

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