Hi Philippe, Sven, et al, On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:11:35 -0600 Philippe Canal <pcanal@popgtw.fnal.gov> wrote concerning ": RE: [ROOT] linking and calling comlied code at runtime": > A more flexible way is to introduce a new top class, for example AllTasks : Good, idea. One can also have // Start of main file #include <TROOT.h> #include "MyClass.h" TROOT myRoot("myRoot","My ROOT"); int main(int argc, char** argv) { gROOT->Macro("MySetup.C"); // which makes a MyClass instance MyClass* myObject = MyClass::Instance(); myObject->DoIt(); } // EOF with // -*- mode: c++ -*- For Emacs :-) // Start of file MyClass.h #ifndef FOO_MyClass #define FOO_MyClass #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include <TObject.h> #endif class MyClass : public TObject { private: static MyClass* fgInstance; // Pointer to instance Int_t fMyData; // Data public: MyClass(); MyClass(int myArg) : fMyData(myArg) { fgInstance = this; } virtual ~MyData() {} static MyClass* Instance() virtual void DoIt(); virtual Int_t GetMyData() const { return fMyData; } ClassDef(MyClass,0) // My singleton class }; #endif // EOF And, // Start of file MyClass.cxx #include "MyClass.h" #include <iostream.h> // Micros**t VC++ doesn't get <iostream> ClassImp(MyClass); // You can have `;' after this, so Emacs is happy MyClass* MyClass::fgInstance = 0; MyClass* MyClass::Instance() { if (!fgInstance) fgInstance = new MyClass; return fgInstance; } void MyClass::DoIt() { cout << "MyObject has the data: " << fMyData << endl; } // EOF Then you can derive any class from MyClass, say MyMain, kept in shared library "libMyMain.so", and "MySetup.C", could look like // Start of file { gSystem->Load("libMyMain.so"); MyMain* myObject = new MyMain("fubar"); myObject->SetHuttelihut(foo, bar, baz, gnus, gnat); } You see the point. Setup of your class is done in a (uncompiled) script, while everything else is in compiled code. Maybe it's also possible to do // Start of main file #include <TROOT.h> #include "MyClass.h" void Config(); // Forward declaration of function TROOT myRoot("myRoot","My ROOT"); int main(int argc, char** argv) { gROOT->Load("MySetup.C"); // which makes a MyClass instance Config(); // Using function defined in script MyClass* myObject = MyClass::Instance(); myObject->DoIt(); } // EOF and // Start of file void Config() { gSystem->Load("libMyMain.so"); MyMain* myObject = new MyMain("fubar"); myObject->SetHuttelihut(foo, bar, baz, gnus, gnat); } but I haven't tried it. Yours, Christian ----------------------------------------------------------- Holm Christensen Phone: (+45) 35 35 96 91 Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th. Office: (+45) 353 25 305 DK-2200 Copenhagen N Web: www.nbi.dk/~cholm Denmark Email: cholm@nbi.dk
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