[ROOT] root signal handling problem

From: Mike Heffner (mheffner@llnl.gov)
Date: Wed Oct 25 2000 - 22:28:51 MEST


    I have a problem with the way root handles the signal SIGFPE.  I am
running in OSF and I am using a combination of fortran, c , and c++.
The portion of the code that is fortran is compiled with the switch
-fpe4.  This allows the compiled code contiune at run-time when there is
a floating point exception.  The problem is that the run-time libraries
communicate through the SIGFPE signal.  Root is trapping this before the
fortran run-time library can trap the signal.  Is this a bug in root for
OSF?  Is there a way to limit root's control of this signal?

Mike Heffner

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