[ROOT] TMultipleGraph ?

From: KOSU_FOKIN@garbo.lucas.lu.se
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 01:28:07 MEST

Hi Rene,

I am frequently drawing one, two or more graphs
on the same plot using TH2F as an underlying histogram.
To fit all the graphs (with some margines) into
the histogram I have to use the folowing procedure

- find min/max of all graphs
- book or rebin the histogram to fit min max
- draw hist
- draw graphs

I also need to apply this procedure every time one
of the graphs changes to fit it into the histogram.

Could you make this procedure a kind of automatic?
Why should a user deal with booking a histogram,
finding/setting min and max, number of bins, etc.

A kind of normal way to do it is use somethig like

TMultipleGraph *MultipleGraph = new TMultipleGraph(Graph1);




Or I am missing something as usual?:))


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