[ROOT] Re: TNode hierarchy question

From: Valeri Fine (Faine) (fine@bnl.gov)
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 16:18:37 MEST

If what you want is a complicate geometry you may regard TVolume class instead of TNode.
With this class we did describe the whole ATLAS detector. It contains 15 levels of hierarchy
and 30'000'000 nodes.


and ROOT 2000 Workshop: http://root.cern.ch/root/R2000Program.html
17h00: STAR Simulation (ppt) (html): Pavel Nevski

To reproduce the picture above one needs an access to
the "atlas.root" file and macro (see attachment)

"atlas.root" file is available on afs:


or one  can download it from Web:

To its hierarchy one can use ROOT TBrowser then:

TBrowser bb("Atlas",ATLS);

Each instance of TVolume class (http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TVolume.html)
can be created alone and then one can build the whole TVolume tree with some methods:

 virtual TVolumePosition* Add(TVolume* node, Double_t x = 0, Double_t y = 0, Double_t z = 0, TRotMatrix* matrix = 0, UInt_t id =
0, Option_t* option)

TVolumePosition* Add(TVolume *volume, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, const Text_t *matrixname, UInt_t id, Option_t *)

TVolumePosition* Add(TVolume *node, TVolumePosition *nodePosition)

To "navigate" that tree TDataSetIter class can be in use (since TVolume is derived from TDataSet)
but there is a special iterator too. See TVolumeViewIter.


----- Original Message -----
From: Max Sang <sang@mppmu.mpg.de>
To: <rootdev@pcroot.cern.ch>
Subject: TNode hierarchy question

> Hello again
> I'm trying to build a simple visualisation tool for our
> vertex detector. I want to build a 'geometry' where the
> TNodes correspond to the tracks (TTUBEs at various angles).
> Since the number of nodes in the "geometry" is not known until
> run time I want to put them all in a container and build my
> geometry at the end of the function, just before drawing.
> I read in the Root mailing list the following message:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Frederic MACHEFERT wrote:
> >
> >         Hi rooters,
> >
> > I define many different nodes whom the hierarchy is not defined from the
> > beginning. After the initialisation of the nodes, I wish to sort them
> > according to a certain hierarchy. I thought that the goud way was to use
> > the SetParent function. But what I plot doesn't seem to produce what I
> > expect and if I have a look at the browser and at the node hierarchy
> > nothing is modified.
> >
> > I think I missed something with respect to SetParent. I would like to
> know
> > how I can change the hierarchy without deleting and creating again my
> > nodes.
> >
> Salut Frederic,
> I suggest you look at the logic in the TNode constructor to understand
> the current logic. In your case, if you want to set the hierarchy only
> once you have defined all the nodes, I suggest;
>   file://disable current node in geometry
>    gGeometry->setCurrentNode(0);
>   file://define your nodes
>   TNode *node = new TNode(...)
>   ......
>   file://clear the list of nodes in the geometry
>   gGeometry->GetListOfNodes()->Clear();
>   file://now start creating your hierarchy
>   file://if a node has descendants, do:
>     node->BuildListOfNodes();
>   file://to insert a node in its parent node, do
>   node->SetParent(parentNode);
>   parentNode->GetListOfNodes()->Add(node);
> Let me know if you still have problems.
> I am curious to know why you can only build the hierarchy at the end.
> This is may be an interesting case.
> Rene Brun
> -----------------------------------------
> I tried doing something like this, storing the TNodes in a STL
> vector but had lots of basic problems with segmentation faults,
> for example:
>   vector<TNode> nodelist(200);
> causes a segmentation fault in TNode::~Tnode()
> I am not so interested in why - although I would be interested to
> see if you can replicate this behaviour or have some idea why it
> happens.
> I would just like a hint about how you would design such a function.
> All I need to do is loop over some objects representing the tracks
> or vertices etc. For each I need a new TRotMatrix, a new TTUBE, and
> obviously a new TNode. Once I reach the end of the loop, I just
> need to put them inside a global TNode and draw it. Could I use
> a TList? I have a feeling that there is a very simple way to
> proceed, but I don't know what it is!
> Many thanks for your time
> Max
>  +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>  |      Max Sang    Email: max.sang@cern.ch or max.sang@desy.de |
>  +---------------------------------+----------------------------+
>  | Max Planck Institut fuer Physik | GSM    +44-(0)77 8866 7605 |
>  | Foehringer Ring 6               | Office +49-(0)89 32354 327 |
>  | 80805 Muenchen                  | Fax    +49-(0)89  322 6704 |
>  +---------------------------------+----------------------------+

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