Re: [ROOT] TVector3 and TLorentzVector

From: George Heintzelman (
Date: Tue Oct 10 2000 - 16:14:29 MEST

> > TVector3 and TLorentzVector have been left unchanged since your mail
> > and the discussion following it. These two classes were supposed to be in
> > phase with the same classes in CLHEP. It is my understanding that the
> > maintainers were against your proposal (from some private emails!).
> Yes, they were against it, although in the end they admitted that all their
> arguments against it were specious and they were simply unwilling to change
> their "perfect" class to allow it to be subclassed.  (I claim and am willing
> to demonstrate that any overhead is negligible in real performance terms).
> Concerning derivation from TNamed, I am also more than a little skeptical
> about the notion that adding two strings is going to be a noticeable
> performance problem in this age when memory of even low-end computers are
> typically measured in 100's of MB.  I think allowing more powerful and
> understandable code to be written is far more important than saving a few
> bytes here and there, but anyway.

Let me stick my two cents in on performance. When you are writing an 
application, you should not worry too much about performance until you 
measure, profile, and quantify, find out where the bottlenecks are, and 
then fix those. I agree that in many cases fast computers are making 
issues that used to be important moot.

However, when you build a library, this is completely different. Since 
you're building it (hopefully) for general use and re-use, you do not 
have any constraint on the application people will eventually put it 
to, and so you should make it as lean and mean as possible.

In concrete terms for TVector3: Who are you to say that some user of 
ROOT will not need or want to work with groups of millions or tens of 
millions or even hundreds of millions of these objects? I can certainly 
conceive such applications. Then you are talking of overheads in the 
100s of Mb or more range. When you're talking about overheads of 50% or 
100%, it's 50% or 100% of what you want to use. Remember, along with 
the growth of computing power has also come the growth of demands on 
that power. Root should endeavor for as many people as possible to be 
able to use their classes without having to 'roll their own' for 
performance reasons.

Writing clear and understandable code is of course desireable, but one 
of the virtues of C++ is that with good encapsulation of 
performance-sensitive areas, you can have your cake and eat it too.

George Heintzelman

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