[ROOT] Nentries in histograms

From: S. Escoffier-300901 (escoffie@phnx7.saclay.cea.fr)
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 04:29:34 MEST

Dear rooters,

I want to get mean and entries of a TH1F histogram.
So I call h1->GetEntries() and h1->GetMean().

But if I modifie the range of my histogram (smaller range), and I fill it
in the same conditions (some events are out of range), so the mean
value has changed, but nentries is the same than before, and there is
neither overflow nor underflow ! I obtain the same result with graphical
options if I select a specific range of my histogram.
So, how could I know on what events the mean value is obtained?
Maybe I do something wrong..
I use the 2.25 /02 version on Solaris.

Thank you,


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