Re: [ROOT] Big endian

From: Steve Lautenschlager (
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 21:24:51 MEST


Here is a C function which will do a standard endian byte swap.  If it's not 
exactly what you need it will probably be close.


/- file: endian_swap.c
/- usage: endian_swap(char * pdata, int dsize, int nelements)
/- inputs:
/- char * pdata = pointer to data to be converted
/- int dsize    = size of datatype (in bytes) stored at memory location
/- int nelements = number of data elements of size dsize to process
/- Modification Log:
/- 23 dec 99	S.Lautenschlager		Created

void endian_swap(char * pdata, int dsize, int nelements)


	int i,j,indx;
	char tempbyte;

	if (dsize <= 1) return;

	for (i=0; i<nelements; i++)
		indx = dsize;
		for (j=0; j<dsize/2; j++)
			tempbyte = pdata[j];
			indx = indx - 1;
			pdata[j] = pdata[indx];
			pdata[indx] = tempbyte;

		pdata = pdata + dsize;



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