[ROOT] .rootrc in version 2.25

From: Martin Weber (Martin.Weber@cern.ch)
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 13:21:54 MEST

Dear ROOT team,

since ROOT version 2.25/03 the gEnv comes with a lot of standard settings
(marked as [GLOBAL) that disturb my previous and simple ~/.rootrc file.

The most annoying aspect of these standard settings is that my old
~/.rootrc file, that reads

Root.MacroPath: /afs/cern.ch/user/m/mweber/root/macro:/afs/cern.ch/user/m/mweber/root/test:.
*.Rint.Logon:       /afs/cern.ch/user/m/mweber/root/macro/rootlogon.C
*.Rint.Logoff:      /afs/cern.ch/user/m/mweber/root/macro/rootlogoff.C

does not work with the new version, because in the new version there
exists already a predefined MacroPath. The gEnv->Print shows in version
2.25 (after reading my file):

Unix.*.Root.MacroPath: .:/afs/cern.ch/na49/library.4/ROOT/pro/hp_ux102/root/macros [Global]
Root.MacroPath: /afs/cern.ch/user/m/mweber/root/macro:/afs/cern.ch/user/m/mweber/root/test:. [User]

And the user specified macro path is never accessed...
This is also true when I specify *.*.Root.MacroPath or *.Root.MacroPath

Because my macros are system independent, I do not want to specify a macro
path for each OS. Could you also implement in gEnv that when no OS is
specified, the variable applies to all OS's?


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