Hi Rooters, I can't call TH3::Project3D() and ProjectionZ() methods. However some others like TH3::FitSlices() work. What is the problem? Miro Helbich Example is in this macro: { h3 = new TH3D("h3","h3 test",10,0.,1.,10,0.,1.,10,0.,1.); h3->FillRandom("pol1",1000); h3->Draw(); // h3->ProjectionZ(); // h3->Project3D("xy"); h3->Project3D("xy")->Draw(); } And here is the output root [23] .x bug.C Warning in <TH1::Build>: Replacing existing histogram: h3 Error: Can't call TH3D::Project3D() in current scope FILE:/nevis11/helbich/lrec/eval/./bug.C LINE:7 *** Interpreter error recovered ***
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