Re: [ROOT] multidimensional dynamic arrays

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 09:28:22 MEST

Hi Raymond,
You provide only a small snapshop of your code. It is difficult
to come with a diagnostic. Also, please, when sending mails to roottalk
indicate which version of Root and the machine.
I could run the following script on my machine without problems.
Using Root 2.25/02
   double **array;

   const int xsize=4;
   const int ysize = 12;
   array= new double *[ysize];

   int i,j;
   for (j=0;j<ysize;j++){
      array[j]=new double [xsize];
      for (i=0;i<xsize;i++) array[j][i] = 10*j+i;
   for (j=0;j<ysize;j++) {
      double *x = array[j];
      for (i=0;i<xsize;i++) {
	 printf("  x[%d][%d]=%g",j,i,array[j][i]);

Rene Brun

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Raymond Fliller III wrote:

>  - Rooters
>    I'm quite new to ROOT, so much so that my unbilical cord is still attached.
> I'm trying to make a 2 dimensional dynamically allocated array to read in an
> ASCII file.  The way I have done it in other programs is:
>   double **array;
>   ..... later on
>     array= new double *[xsize]
>     for (i=0;i<xsize;i++){
>         *(array+i)=new double [ysize]
>     }
>   Then when I go to set array[i][j], I get a segmentation fault, for
> any i,j value.
>     I'm assuming that this is the correct way as it has worked for me in C++
> in the past, unless I'm doing something incredibly wrong and have just
> gotten lucky in the past.  Thank's a lot.
> ==============================================================================
> Ray Fliller:      Office Phone: (631)-344-6124
> C-A Accelerator Physics
> Building 911
> Brookhaven National Lab
> Upton, NY 11973                    Office: Room 211
> ==============================================================================

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