[ROOT] Superimposing 2 histograms, when the histos are TProfile ?

From: Patois Yannick (patois@ganil.fr)
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 09:12:15 MEST


When one wants to superimposes two histos as shown in the exemple
'twoscales.C', it requieres at some point a call to 'Scale()'.

But on TProfile histo, the 'Scale()' method doesnt work as on regular
histo, and so the macro is not working properly.

- Is there a way to really 'scale' a TProfile ?
- Is there an easy way to convert a TProfile into a regular TH1D histo ?

Thanx for any help.


 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
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