Hi, Imagine a situation: X.h <<fnord #ifndef _x_h_ #define _x_h_ #include <TNamed.h> #include <vector> #include <iostream> class X : public TNamed { public: vector<int> mV; X(const Text_t* n="x") : TNamed(n,0) {} void Populate(Int_t M=3) { for(int i=0; i<M; i++) mV.push_back(i); } void Spit() { cout << GetName() <<": ["; for(vector<int>::iterator i=mV.begin(); i!=mV.end(); i++) cout <<*i<<" "; cout <<"]\n"; } ClassDef(X,1) }; #endif fnord Y.h << fnord #ifndef _y_h_ #define _y_h_ #include "X.h" #include <TObject.h> #include <vector> class Y : public TObject { public: vector<X> mX; void Populate(Int_t M=3) { char a='A', n[2]; for(int i=0; i<M; i++,a++) { sprintf(n,"%c",a); X x(n); x.Populate(i+1); mX.push_back(x); } } void Spit() { for(vector<X>::iterator i=mX.begin(); i!=mX.end(); i++) i->Spit(); } ClassDef(Y,1) }; #endif fnord root session 1: root [0] #include <vector> root [1] gSystem->Load("libElDictos.so") (int)0 root [2] Y y root [3] y.Populate() root [4] y.Spit() A: [0 ] B: [0 1 ] C: [0 1 2 ] root [5] TFile f("xy.root","RECREATE") root [6] y.Write("Y") (Int_t)134 root [7] f.Close() root [8] .q root session 2: root [0] #include <vector> root [1] gSystem->Load("libElDictos.so") (int)0 root [2] TFile f("xy.root") root [3] .ls TFile** xy.root TFile* xy.root KEY: Y Y;1 root [4] Y.Spit() A: [0 ] B: [0 0 1 ] C: [0 0 1 0 1 2 ] Conclusion: Reading of stl container fails, if its elements contain further stl containers ... eg: // Stream an object of class Y. if (R__b.IsReading()) { Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { } TObject::Streamer(R__b); { int R__i, R__n; X R__t; //!! should be inside loop !! R__b >> R__n; for (R__i = 0; R__i < R__n; R__i++) { R__t.Streamer(R__b); mX.push_back(R__t); } } } else { ... perhaps i live in a dream world, but i would expect the code with declaration inside the loop consume the same number of constructors (due to optimizations for a variable going out of scope copy constructor for stl element is not called). In this case it has to be invoked anyway ... we just gain one destruction (which isn't called if my dream optimization really exists) huh ... back to my histograms ... cheers, matevz -- --------------------------------------------------- Matevz Tadel, E-mail: Matevz.Tadel@ijs.si Department of Experimental High Energy Physics F9 Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, P.o.Box 3000 SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: +386-61-177-3674 Fax: +386-61-125-7074 ---------------------------------------------------
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