Dear Rooters I'm sorry if what I'm asking has been discussed already but I could not find any useful hint in the roottalk messages and the documentation I wrote two classes V3 and V4 and I managed to create the dictionary and the so library.I then wrote a small program that create a tree with a single branch that is a V3 object(split=0). Int_t split = 0; Int_t bsize = 256000; V3 *angela = new V3; TFile *f = new TFile("A.root","recreate"); TTree *tree = new TTree("T","An example of ROOT tree"); tree->Branch("angela","V3",&angela,bsize,split); for (Int_t i=0;i<10;i++) { angela->SetV3(1.,2.,3.); tree->Fill(); } tree->Print(); tree->Write(); f->Write(); f->Close(); When I try to draw any variable I always get a plot with the right number of events but all zeros gSystem->Load("") TFile *f=new TFile("A.root"); T->Draw("angela.GetZ()") Am I doing something wrong or am I trying to do something that is not possible I attached all the classes file,the Makefile and the main program Any help would be appreciated thanks Angela -- Angela Biselli homepage : Graduate Student Office TEL.518-276-2050
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