[ROOT] TCut and weighting

From: Kim Jungho (jungho@ieplab.snu.ac.kr)
Date: Sat Jul 29 2000 - 08:23:38 MEST

Dear Rooters

This is a simple question.
I'd like to use cut with weighting.

root> mytree->Draw("x","y*(x>0)");  <- works good
root> TCut cut1 = "x>0";
root> mytree->Draw("x","y*(cut1)");  <- does not work
*ERROR 26 : 
 Unknown name : "cut1"

Is there any simple way to use TCut with weighting?

Best Regards,
Jungho Kim

 +    Jungho Kim(jungho@ieplab.snu.ac.kr)                      +               
 +    Department of Physics, College of Natural Science        +               
 +    Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea          +               

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