[ROOT] sorting

From: Dmitri Litvintsev (litvinse@fnal.gov)
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 20:11:11 MEST

Hi Rooters, 

I've run into the following problem. 
 I have a object with an attribute that changes over time. 
I shove a set of these objects into TClonesArray(). I need 
to sort them from time to time since they must be ordered 
with respect to this attribute. I added method Compare. 
And use Sort() method.
I noticed that this method can be called only once. Having sorted 
an array once, the flag IsSorted() is set and cannot be changed. 

Could you advise on how to avoid this problem?

this is really important for me, 
Dmitri Litvintsev

| Tel:       (630) 840 5005                                |  
| FAX:       (630) 840 2968                                |      
| office:    169-E CDF Trailers                            |
| E-mail:    litvinse@fnal.gov                             |

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