[ROOT] Windows 2000

Date: Wed Jul 26 2000 - 14:37:22 MEST

   Dear Rooters,
   In addition to my previous mail enquiring whether one can go from Windows
NT to Windows 2000 and still have ROOT working, Joël Surget
(surget@hep.saclay.cea.fr) from Saclay has made a test of ROOT 2.23 and ROOT
2.25 on Windows 2000. The result was that ROOT 2.23 was ok, but not ROOT
2.25. On ROOT 2.25, 2 example macros ("tornado" and "shapes") were not
working. Have you a comment about this ? Thanks in advance.

          F.X. Gentit
          DAPNIA/SPP CEN Saclay
          tel : 01 69 08 30 38     fax : 01 69 08 64 28
          web : http://home.cern.ch/~gentit/

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