Hi Etoh, I have no problems with your macro on an Alpha machine. I am using version 2.25, but I cannot remember changes between 2.24 and 2.25 that could explain your problem. Could you : - run under gdb and let me know the traceback when the program crashes. do; gdb root.exe gdb > run root > .x t.cxx this crashes gdb > shared gdb > info stack - could you try version 2.25? As anybody else seen a similar problem? Please Alpha/cxx users, could you test this simple macro and let me know ? Rene Brun etoh@awa.tohoku.ac.jp wrote: > > Dear ROOTers, > > I can not write a PostScript file using the macro shwon in below. > > --- Log of the macro -------------------------------------- > root [0] .x t.cxx > Processing t.cxx... > Now updating canvas... > > *** Break *** segmentation violation > --------------------------------------------------------------- > > I found that the macro crashes at c1->Update(). > I can draw the histogram on the CRT, if I change PS=0. > Could you let me know what is the problem? > > I am using the following system. > ROOT version 2.24/05 > Compaq Digital UNIX version 4.0 > Compaq C++ version 6.2 > I rebuilt the ROOT system on my machine. > > Best Regards, > Etoh > > --- Macro "t.cxx" ----------------------------------------- > { > gROOT->Reset(); > > const int PS = 1; > > TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1", "", 50, -1, 1); > > for (int i=0; i<10000; ++i) { > h1->Fill(gRandom->Gaus(0, 0.3)); > } > > TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 800, 600); > > if (PS) { > TPostScript *ps = new TPostScript("./t.ps", 111); > } > > h1->Draw(); > printf("Now updating canvas...\n"); > c1->Update(); > printf("Canvas was updated.\n"); > if (PS) { > ps->NewPage(); > } > > if (PS) { > ps->Close(); > } > } > ---------------------------------------------------------------
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