Hi Rooters: What may be wrong on the exit of a short code working under W2K with ROOT 2.25? It seems, code make all that is necessary, but on exit the next error arise. Unhandled exception in ReadCube.exe (LIBCORE.dll) 0xC0000005: Access Violation. Without details, code includes only opening of old TFile, reading of Ttree, getting some entries and closing of TFile. Debugging shows, that code works up to the exit. Control print shows that obtaining results is OK. When I returned on the old ROOT version 2.24/05 all was without errors. Thanks in advance Andrei ---------------------------------------- Andrei Daniel FLNR, JINR, Dubna 141980, Russia Tel: (7-09621)64568 Fax: (7-09621)65083 daniel@cv.jinr.ru
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