[ROOT] TH1 (cosmetics)

From: Christian Haeberli (christian.haeberli@cern.ch)
Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 09:20:15 MEST

Dear ROOTers

I'm doing some cosmetics with a TH1: 
The Y-Axis of my plot is going up to 1000. The problem is, that the
number 1000 of the axis scale (AxisLable) is ovwritten by the AxisTitle.
I tried to improve the picture by increasing the TitleOffset and
decreasing the LabelSize, but I'm not satisfied with the result. I would
like to shift the Y-Axis to right. So I could make the TitleOffset
bigger without forcing the title to leave the Pad. I looked for a
possiblity in TFrame but I did't find anything useful.

So my question is: How can I separate the label and the title of the
axis from each other?

Thank you

Christian Haeberli                       christian.haeberli@cern.ch
University of Bern
Laboratory for High Energy Physics       Phone : ++ 41 31 631 4069
Sidlerstr. 5                             Mobile: ++ 41 76 316 6159
CH-3012 BERN                             Fax   : ++ 41 31 631 4487

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