Hi Kevin, You will find below a small example showing how to fit a polynomial to an histogram and access the results of the fit. Rene Brun void fitex() { // example of macro creating an histogram, fitting it // and accessing the fit results TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",100,-4,4); h->FillRandom("gaus",3000); h->Fit("pol7"); //Get a pointer to the fitted function TF1 *func = (TF1*)h->GetFunction("pol7"); Int_t npar = func->GetNpar(); Double_t chi2 = func->GetChisquare(); printf("Function has % parameters. Chisquare = %g\n", npar,func->GetChisquare()); for (Int_t i=0;i<npar;i++) { printf("% %s, = %g, +- %g\n", func->GetParName(i), func->GetParameter(i), func->GetParError(i)); } TFile f("fitex.root","recreate"); //write histo to the file. Note that the full information about //the histogram including the fitted function and its parameters // are saved to the file h->Write(); // in a new session, one can then do: // TFile *f = new TFile("fitex.root"); // TH1F *h = (TH1F*)f->Get("h"); // and access the info from h as shown above } On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Kevin M. Rhodes wrote: > All I'm trying to do is fit an histogram with a poly, then write the > output of the fit (the value, error, step size, and first derivative) to > an array or file before moving on to the next histogram, for which I wish > to repeat the process. > > I'm new to root/C++, so any help would be appreciated. > > > Kevin Rhodes > Amanda Project > UW-Madison >
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