Hi Chris, I suppose you mean the case of a 2-d histogram with variable bin size. Variable bin size 2-d histograms are not yet supported in the current implementation of Project3D. This should be added. Rene Brun Chris Roat wrote: > > Hi. > > I notice that the Project3D of TH3, which projects a 3D histogram onto 1 > or 2 dimensions, uses the following type of constructor for it's lower > dimensional histogram (here I present the 1d case of projecting onto the > x axis): > > TH1D(name,title,nx,fXaxis.GetBinLowEdge(ixmin),fXaxis.GetBinUpEdge(ixmax)); > > Unfortunately, this does not allow for the original histogram to have > variable width binning along the direction(s) being projected onto. In my > application I was able to write some code to get around this, but I was > wondering if there is some subtlety that does not allow this to be > implemented in general. If there is no such problem, would it be possible > to allow this feature in the future? > > Chris Roat
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