Hi When I try to run the following code by doing: root -b <script.C I get: Limitation: Can't instantiate precompiled template > FILE:/tmp/fileG4CKti_cint LINE:15 Error: G__getvariable: expression FILE:/tmp/fileG4CKti_cint LINE:15 Syntax Error: > FILE:/tmp/fileG4CKti_cint LINE:15 Error: type > not defined FILE:/tmp/fileG4CKti_cint LINE:15 *** Interpreter error recovered *** I can't see anything wrong. Do you know what's causing this? Here's the script: #include <fstream.h> { Int_t i,j,x,y; Char_t c,c1; Float_t mean0,sdev0,mean1,sdev1; ifstream old("pedestal.old",ios::in); ifstream new("pedestal.new",ios::in); TFile file("Comp.root","Recreate"); TNtuple nt("nt","Diffirence","inx:iny:diff"); for(j=0;j<56;j++){ for(i=0;i<12;i++){ old >> c >> c1 >> x >> y >> mean0 >> sdev0; if((x!=i)||(y!=j)){ cerr << "Error 1" << endl; } new >> c >> c1 >> x >> y >> mean1 >> sdev1; if((x!=i)||(y!=j)){ cerr << "Error 2" << endl; } nt.Fill(i,j,(mean1-mean0)); } } nt.Write(); file.Close(); old.close(); new.close(); } .q
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