RE:[ROOT] function can not be compiled

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 05:24:42 MEST

Hello Huaizhang,

Thank you for reporting a bug.

I'd like to look into this. For doing so, will you give me complete
information about your example. In this case, I do not know how 'hist'
is created. I'd appreicaite if you send me small and complete example.

Masaharu Goto

>I wrote the following program.
>Double_t RatioFunc(Double_t *t, Double_t *par) {
>  Double_t R;
>  R=par[0]*cos(2*3.14159265*0.0002291*(1-par[1]*1.0e-6)*t[0]+par[2])+par[3];
>  return R;
>TF1* RatioFit(TH1F* h, Float_t t_start, Float_t t_end) {
>  TF1 *RatioFit=new TF1("RatioFit", RatioFunc, 0, 700000, 4);
>  RatioFit->SetParNames("A", "R", "'f#", "offset");
>  RatioFit->SetRange(t_start, t_end);
>  RatioFit->SetParameters(0.4, 120, 0, 0);
>  h->Fit("RatioFit", "R");
>  return RatioFit;
>Then I tried to do
>int i;
>TF1* fit;
>for(i=0; i<5; i++) fit=RatioFit(hist, t, 400000.);
>After the first fit, which is o.k., it complain "Function:RatioFit cannot be
>However, the following program works well.
>int i;
>TF* fit;
>fit=RatioFit(h, t, 40000);
>for(i=1; i<5; i++) fit=RatioFit(hist, t, 40000);
>I wonder why those two programs make difference.
>Huaizhang Deng

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