[ROOT] Rebinning histograms

From: Gerco Onderwater (onderwat@nialas.npl.uiuc.edu)
Date: Sat Jun 03 2000 - 00:29:18 MEST

Hi Rooters,

When rebinning my histograms I ran into the following interesting

root [0] h = new TH1F("h","h",4695,0,700425)
(class TH1F*)0x886f260
root [1] h->GetBinWidth(1)                  
root [2] h->Rebin(2)                        
(class TH1*)0x886f260
root [3] h->GetBinWidth(1)/2.               

In other words: the binwidth and thus the x-scale changes by as much as
213 parts-per-million, which is rather annoying if you try to measure a
frequency to less than 1 ppm!!! 

I traced this down to TH1::Rebin (not so difficult) where I found:

   Int_t nbins   = fXaxis.GetNbins();
   Float_t xmin  = fXaxis.GetXmin();
   Float_t xmax  = fXaxis.GetXmax();
   Int_t newbins = nbins/ngroup;

This of course only works if nbins/ngroup is integer to begin with!!!!
The fix for this would be to add the line

   xmax = fXaxis.GetBinUpEdge(newbins*ngroup);

just before hnew->SetBins(newbins,xmin,xmax). And then it would be more
elegant to not ignore the underflows and overflows, where the latter also
contains the content of those bins that were lost in the rebinning.


-- Gerco

Dr. C.J.G. Onderwater
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
312 Loomis Laboratory of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1110 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3080     
Phone : (217) 244-7363
Fax   : (217) 333-1215  
E-mail: onderwat@uiuc.edu

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