[ROOT] quote and #odot in TLatex

From: Damir Buskulic (buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr)
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 16:37:20 MEST


In latex, there is the \odot character that is used in the symbol "solar
mass". It would be nice to have it also in TLatex

A question. I'm not an expert in Latex. Is the quote doing something
special ?. In TLatex, writing "coalescences d'#acute{e}toiles" doesn't
give the expected result. The quote seems to set off the translation of
succeeding mathematical symbols.

Any explanation ?


| Damir Buskulic                  | Universite de Savoie/LAPP       |
|                                 | Chemin de Bellevue, B.P. 110    |
| Tel : +33 (0)450091600          | F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux Cedex   |
| e-mail: buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr  | FRANCE                          |

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