[ROOT] Question re: Error bars when normalising histograms (fwd)

From: Claire Gwenlan (cg@hep.ucl.ac.uk)
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 20:13:36 MEST

Hi Everybody,

I've just been normalising some graphs which I've drawn with the
Draw("e1p") option. I've used a couple of methods (which give the same
results but I was just doing a couple of tests to make sure I know how to
do things...I'm a bit new with root!). Anyway, one way was simply using
the method suggested by Rene earlier this year, using the number of
events, and the other was using the following:

TH1F *x3=new TH1F("x3","X3", 8, 0.65, 1.0);
. (some other code)
if(integral>0) x3->Scale(1./integral);
cerr << "Empty Histogram: " << x3->GetName() << endl;
return kError;

Anyway, it seems the result has HUGE error bars, whichever method I use.
Does the above scale the errors properly or not? Or do I have to do
something extra to scale errors down?

Oh, also, just another quick question. Is there a way to switch off the
statistics box appearing automatically in the code, rather than just doing
it by hand by clicking on the options box on the canvas?

PS. Thanks Rene and David for answering my last question...enerything
works fine now.

 Claire Gwenlan
 Department of Physics & Astronomy
 University College London
 Gower Street

 Tel: (0171) 419 3454

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