Hi Xavier, One can superimpose a lego and a surface plot in the following case: - number of bins and range are identical - min and max the same. In your case, just do: hd->SetMaximum(mymax); hd->SetMinimum(mymin); mymin = 0 hf->SetMaximum(mymin); hf->SetMinimum(mymin); hd->Draw("LEGO"); hf->SetLineColor(2); hf->Draw("SURFSAME"); Rene Brun Xavier Gentit wrote: > Dear rooters, > I have two 2d histograms, of type TH2F, hd containing data and hf >containing fit on these data. I want to have them drawn on top of each >other, hd being plotted with the option "LEGO" and hf with the option >"SURF". I do : > hd->Draw("LEGO"); > hf->SetLineColor(2); > hf->Draw("SURFSAME"); > Everything is ok, except the numbers labelling the z axis, which are >written twice, and not at the same height. Look at the joined ps file to see >the problem. > I use ROOT 2.23/12 on Windows NT > Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong ? Thanks a lot in advance. > F.X. Gentit > DAPNIA/SPP CEN Saclay > tel : 01 69 08 30 38 fax : 01 69 08 64 28 > web : http://home.cern.ch/~gentit/
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