Hi, the following macro produces only the desired LaTex output if the gStyle::SetTextFont() is commented out { TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1"); gStyle->SetTextFont(7); Char_t Text[255]; TLatex* t; sprintf(Text,"#eta = %4.3f #pm %4.3f",0.2,0.1); t = new TLatex(0.1,+0.27,Text); t->Draw(); } Cheers, Norbert -- Norbert Danneberg ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics Laboratory for Nuclear Physics Phone.: +41-1-633-2034 Hoenggerberg Fax.: +41-1-633-1067 CH-8093 Zurich ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics Paul Scherrer Institute Phone.: +41-56-310-3284 CH-5232 Villigen PSI Fax.: +41-56-310-4362 email: Norbert.Danneberg@psi.ch
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