[ROOT] Error27: Too many constants in expression

From: geithner (wolfgang.geithner@cern.ch)
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 19:38:28 MEST

Hi rooters !

I have the problem that I want to build a function, which constists of a
sum of about 100 lorentzian functions multiplied by a variable
amplitude: ampl[linepos]*gamma/2/((x-linepos)^2+(gamma/2)^2), which
depends on x. Compiling works fine, but when I use this lengthy function
to simulate a spectrum, I get an error message " Error 27: too many
constants in expression". When I limit the number of lorentzians I
include, the error vanishes, but it would be nice to include all the
lines I have...

Any idea ?

Wolfgang Geithner

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