Re: [ROOT] rootd

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 15:27:14 MEST

Hi Ingo,

   concerning the first case did you compile rootd with AFS support?
If not you have to recompile rootd with AFS support.

COncerning the second case? Seems like it should not happen. Does the machine
in question have a normal passwd file or does it use shadow passwords. In the
later case you'll also have to recompile rootd with shadow passwd support.

In general it might be easier to use the ~/.rootdpass method as described in
the comments of the rootd.cxx source file.

Cheers, Fons.

Ingo Strauch wrote:
> Hi rooters!
> We tried to access a root-file on a remote machine running the root daemon
> (rootd -p 5151). The following command gave a strange error:
> TFile *file = TFile::Open("root://");
> Name ( strauch
> Password:
> Error in <TNetFile::Authenticate>: wrong passwd
> Error in <TNetFile::TNetFile>: autentication failed for host
> But I'm perfectly sure to have entered my right AFS password...
> When we try to access a file on a non-afs machine, we get one step further,
> but still the error remains strange:
> root [3] TFile *file =
> TFile::Open("root://");
> Name ( rasmus
> Password:
> Error in <TNetFile::ReadBuffer>: undefined error
> Error in <TNetFile::TFile>: root://
> not a ROOT file
> root [4]
> TNetFile**              root://
>  TNetFile*              root://
> The ROOT versions we tried were 2.23/10 and 2.24/04
> Machines
> tortuga: IRIX 6.5
> ttfsvr2: Solaris 5.7
> Can anybody tell us your experience with the ROOT daemon?
>  Ingo & Rasmus
> __
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ingo Strauch       Budapester Str. 30, 20359 Hamburg, Tel.: +49 40 7421 4722
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> DESY, Group H1/AAC1, Room 1c354      | I.Phys.Inst. RWTH Aachen, Room 28B210
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> Tel: +49 40 8998-2312 / Fax: -4385   |  Tel: +49 241 80-7183 / Fax: 8888-661
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