Dear Rooters, I have a problem with how to fill a polygon with some color. I used class TPolyLine to draw the polygon and since TPolyLine is inherited from TAttFill, I set its fill color and style as follows: { // A simple macro to test the use of PolyLine Int_t n=7; Float_t x[] = {1,2,3,3,2,1,1}; Float_t y[] = {4,7,8,6,2,3,4}; c = new TCanvas("c", "Canvas"); c->Range(0,0,10,10); TPolyLine *polyLine = new TPolyLine(n, x, y, "F"); polyLine->SetLineColor(4); polyLine->SetFillColor(2); polyLine->SetFillStyle(1001); polyLine->Draw(); c->Print(""); } But it does not work(it only shows the colored line, with no fill whatever). Is there some problem with TPolyLine class and is there anyway to solve my problem? Many thanks! Feng
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