Dear Rooters I made some histograms with the TH1 class. I made a histogram out of the values of one 11bit ADC channel. This is no problem. I can define a TH1F class with 1024 bins and use the "fill"-method of TH1. Now, I want to do a different thing: I want to create a histogram with 16 bins because I want to compare the behaviour of the 16 channels directly. In the first bin I want to have the medium value of the first adc channel over all events, in the second channel the medium value of the seconc adc channel and so on... How can I do this? Christian ___________________________________________________________________ Christian D. Haeberli University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics Sidlerstr. 5 Phone : ++ 41 31 631 4069 CH-3012 BERN Fax : ++ 41 31 631 4487
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