Re: [ROOT] Libraries

From: Rolf Dubitzky (
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 20:31:37 MEST

Hi Ingo,

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Ingo Strauch wrote:

> Is there a way to 'look' at all symbols in a shared library? If not: somebody
> must have built that library and she could tell me what she has put in it...

Yes, there is. For your specific example try: (if you are on unix)

  nm -o lib/lib*.so | grep LockGuard

from your ROOTSYS directory.
The output:
 lib/ T Class_Version__10TLockGuard
 lib/ T Class__10TLockGuard

lets you guess which library to load. But this is not a perfect solution,
I know. Why doesn't ROOT know about his "own" classes, and where to find
them? (e.g. in order to load libTreePlayer, I need to load libProof
first. That could be automated.)


 Rolf Dubitzky                                  * presently at SLAC: 
 e-mail:     * M.S. 41        
 office DD: Inst. fuer Kern- und Teilchenphysik * Bld. 280A / 173  
   Zellescher Weg 19  / D-01069 Dresden         * Ext: 2892      

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