Hi! At some point in my application i export certain objects inheriting from TNamed by calling some_dir->Append(some_object) Then in Rint i cd to that directory and try to access it by its name ... it says: gled[2] .ls TDirectory* Gled Gled root directory OBJ: DUTor TB_DUTor : 0 gled[3] .p TB_DUTor Error: No symbol TB_DUTor in current scope FILE:/tmp/fileyEZzQs_cint LINE:1 *** Interpreter error recovered *** It used to work ... but haven't tried it for a quite a while (~4 months), so i'm not exactly sure what all has changed ... I can still access it by DUTor* d = gDirectory->GetList()->First() so the pointer is there ... I'm running 2.23/12 on linux-rh6.0 Any ideas what could have gone wrong? Thanks ... matevz --------------------------------------------------- Matevz Tadel, E-mail: Matevz.Tadel@ijs.si Department of Experimental High Energy Physics F9 Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, P.o.Box 3000 SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: +386-61-177-3674 Fax: +386-61-125-7074 ---------------------------------------------------
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