[ROOT] Improvment suggestion TH2

From: Norbert Danneberg (norbert.danneberg@psi.ch)
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 18:42:18 MEST


the TPad->AddExec() feature togther with the example provided in
the tutorials directory exec2.C, is extremly usefull. Why not add this
functionality to the TH2 context menu which pops up after clicking
the right mouse buton on a TH2 object in a canvas ?

I suggest to add the methods TH2::ProjectY and TH2::ProjectX
to this menu. The parameters for the projection can be deduced
from the actual mouse position. The result should be drawn in a new

Peace & Freedom,



Norbert Danneberg

ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics
  Laboratory for Nuclear Physics          Phone.: +41-1-633-2034
  Hoenggerberg                            Fax.:   +41-1-633-1067
  CH-8093 Zurich

ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics
  Paul Scherrer Institute                 Phone.: +41-56-310-3284
  CH-5232 Villigen PSI                    Fax.:   +41-56-310-4362

email: Norbert.Danneberg@psi.ch

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