RE:Re: [ROOT] ROOT 2.23.12: Accessing funct

From: Masaharu Goto (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 23:31:28 MEST

Hello Matthew,

I can not try it on ROOT because of some reason, but your code works fine
on pure cint. After adding definition of cross_section() function,

  $ makecint -mk makefile -dl cross_section.dll -H cross_exction.hxx LinkDef.h
  $ make -f makefile
  $ cint cross_section.dll
  cint> p MDL::WAB::cross_section(0,0)

After writting above message, I noticed that you use 5.14.25. 'pragma link
C++ namespace' is supported after 5.14.26. No wonder you can not do it.
In that case, try  '#pragma link C++ class [namespacename];' instead.
There is no difference. If this doesn't work either , please download 
newer version.

Thank you
Masaharu Goto

>Hi Masaharu,
>I had already tried the two namespace pragmas that you suggested (I
>hinted at this in my original e-mail), and they don't work either.  So,
>the problem/question remains - how do I import a function in a namespace
>even though I am already using the two pragmas that you recommend?  I
>have attached the two files that are necessary to run the following
>command, which demonstrates the problem:
>  $ rootcint -f cross_sectionDict.cxx -c cross_section.hxx LinkDef.h
>Were you actually able to verify that you can run the above command
>without problems?  It definitely does not work with ROOT 2.23.12 (which
>corresponds to CINT 5.14.25).
>Thank you for your help and expertise.

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