Dear Rooters, I am building profile histograms from a 2D via myhist->ProfileY method. Then I need to access the information stored, i.e. the mean and RMS, what I am not able to do by the usual 1D-hist methods, as I supposed it was meant. It seems that in any case ProfileY builds a histogram with NbinsX as the original 2D, no matter if I do ProfileY or -X. It seems also that, when NbinsX>NbinsY, it puts the points corresponding to neighboring (Y) bins every NbinsX/NbinsY bins... For the sake of clarity, I include here the macro wishing to do this job: void makermsplot() { TFile* p = new TFile("fitvertexs-200.root","UPDATE"); TH2D* d0vsphi=(TH2D*)p->Get("d0vsphi"); Int_t nbins=(Int_t)d0vsphi->GetNbinsY(); Int_t modbins=(Int_t)d0vsphi->GetNbinsX(); Float_t xlow = (Float_t)d0vsphi->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(); Float_t xup = (Float_t)d0vsphi->GetYaxis()->GetXmax(); TH1F *hres = new TH1F("hres","res vs phi",nbins,xlow,xup); d0vsphi->ProfileY("profy",1,1000,"s"); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nbins; i++) { Int_t newbin = (Int_t)((Float_t)i*(Float_t)modbins/(Float_t)nbins)-15; // here I tried empirically to get the filled bins... Float_t cont= profy->GetBinError(newbin); Float_t xb = (Float_t)i; // hres->Fill(xb,cont); } // hres->Draw(); //cin>>xb; p->Close(); return; } Any suggestion? Thanks in advance! Rosario -- ----------------------------------------------------- Rosario Turrisi Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita' e INFN via Marzolo, 8 - Padova tel. +39-049-8277106 fax +39-049-8762641 **** ALICE & NA57 Collaboration **** 'Il faut decider si on veut etre Cesar a Rome ou un reveur au milieu du desert' Marguerite Yourcenar -----------------------------------------------------
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