A more 'natural' behavor for ProfileY ?

From: Patois Yannick (patois@ganil.fr)
Date: Sun Apr 02 2000 - 16:12:51 MEST

Hello rooters,

When I'm creating a profile from a 2D hist, eg I have a TH2 histo myTH2,
I can do :

If I want to plot this I would like to be able to do :

myTH2->Draw("colz"); // plot the 2D hist as a color map
profX->Draw("same"); // Superpose the X profile, works as expected
profY->Draw("same"); // !! Isnt displayed 'naturaly', no meaning

The profY is displayed like any histo along the X axix. But is is
supposed to be meaningfull on the Y axis, and the superposition of the
color map and profile as no meaning on the X axis.

To be readable above a color map the profY histo should be draw on the
Y axis. I didnt found any Draw() option to flip X and Y axis (is there
any?). If there was a way to do so, shouldt it be the default behavior
for an histo created with ProfileY() ?


 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
| irc(undernet): Garp on #france25+ | La Villa des Sciences            |
| email : patois@ganil.fr           | 12, avenue de Cambridge          |
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| Tel/Fax-home:+33 (0)2 31 94 50 32 | FRANCE                           |

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