Dear rooters, I have some questions about the GEANT 3 volumes in ROOT. It is possible to create volumes like TTRAP, BRIK, PGON etc and to draw them on a ROOT canvas or in a nice X3d view. - Is it possible to give the corner coordinates of the different shapes directly instead of using the constructors of the shape classes ? The function SetPoints seems only to compute and fill an array with the coordintes of the corners that were indirectly supplied before by providing complicated angles and rotations and the like ... Unfortunately, SetPoints does not actually set the points ... ??!! - Are there some problems with the SetLineColor function for the shape classes ?? I have tried to provide a defined color for my shape (4 = blue e.g.), but I only see black ! I have tried to change the colors in the example from the Tutorials, but it has no effect !!! - Is it possible to change the attributes of the shapes while being in the X3d view ?? We would like to use it for a fancy 3D event display ! Any help is welcome ... thanks in advance Tom -- Thomas Eberl Phone: (+49 89) 289 1 2425 Physik-Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen James-Franck-Strasse *** D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen Email:
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