Hi, I define my histograms as: typedef TH1D StHbt1DHisto; mNumerator = new StHbt1DHisto(TitNum,theTitle,nbins,MinvLo,MinvHi); mDenominator = new StHbt1DHisto(TitDen,theTitle,nbins,MinvLo,MinvHi); mDifference = new StHbt1DHisto(TitDif,theTitle,nbins,MinvLo,MinvHi); mNumerator->Sumw2(); mDenominator->Sumw2(); mDifference->Sumw2(); mNumerator->Scale(1./NEvents); mDenominator->Scale(1./NEvents); mDifference->Scale(1./NEvents); and after running my macro: root4star [17] hh2->GetBinContent(50) (Stat_t)8.04982038234593347e+02 root4star [18] hh2->GetBinError(50) (Stat_t)1.26884362824517383e+00 root4star [19] hhh2->GetBinContent(50) (Stat_t)7.85032637287047692e+03 root4star [20] hhh2->GetBinError(50) (Stat_t)3.96240501355956098e+00 You see that the error in the bin is not the square root of the bin contents, as I would expect... What am I missing here? Thank you, Patricia __________________________________________________________________ Patricia Fachini, Ph.D. 1-313-577-5419 -> WSU Universidade de Sao Paulo 1-631-344-7635 -> BNL Wayne State University pfachini@physics.wayne.edu
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