problem to read file on Windows98

From: A.V. Daniel (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 19:12:47 MET

Hi Rooters,

What may be wrong?
I wrote TTree with own class in the TFile
on Alpha computer. It was possible to work with it
by interpreter (2.23/12) and by the translated code.
Now the file was moved on PC working under Windows 98.
I translated my class as a .dll library and it works
with interpreter. Wheh the code that is similar 
to using on Alpha has been translated.
The output result was:
TFile**    e:\Tf99\tape7.root
 TFile*    e:\Tf99\tape7.root
  KEY: TTree    T;58    "Experiment TF99"
  KEY: TTree    T;57    "Experiment TF99"
  KEY: TTree    T;56    "Experiment TF99"

Error in <TKey::ReadObj>: Unknown class TTree

The key part of code is inserted. I can not understand
what is wrong. The file is very large to read it by 
interpreter only. Thanks in advance.


#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include "F3Event.h"

// extern void InitGui();
// VoidFuncPtr_t initfuncs[] = {InitGui,0};
// TROOT root("rint","The Root",initfuncs);
void main()
   TROOT simple("simple", "Read TFile and write h1 in a new one");
   int i,j,n,k;

   TFile *Fread = new TFile("e:/Tf99/tape7.root","read");
   TTree *T = (TTree*)Fread->Get("T");
   T->Print();                   <== Code stop with error here
   F3Event *Event = new F3Event();
   n = T->GetEntries();


* Andrei V. Daniel
* Department of Physics & Astronomy, P.O. Box 1807-B 
* Vanderbilt University             Tel: (615) 322 2646
* Nashville, TN 37235, USA          Fax: (615) 343 7263

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