Using Root libraries in gcc environment (fwd)

From: Jayoung Wu (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 20:17:09 MET

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 10:44:27 -0500 (EST)
To: Jayoung <>
Subject: Using Root libraries in gcc environment 

Hi Jay. I need a favor from you. As you know I am having difficulty
linking CDF and Root libraries in the Root environment. Could you please
post the following to the Root mailing list on my behalf and let me know
if you get a response?

Thanks Very much,

Hello everyone:

I need to convert some data between Root ntuples and Common Data Format
(CDF). Perhaps because of my lack of understanding of how script files
work I have been unable to link CDF libraries within the Root environment.
I load the external libaries with commands like


and that seems to work fine but for some reason commands like 

#include "cdf.h" 

give errors with script files and none of the definitions in the header is

I am hoping to accomplish my task within root but if that's not possible I
would like to link root libraries in the gcc environment. My question is
that Does anyone know, either how I can include header files, or what root
.so libraries I need to link in my makefile (and it what order) to be able
to use ntuples in the gcc environment?

Many many thanks,
Ramin Sina

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